The Sales Colors software helps teams to perform better

Sales Colors management environment

See all dashboards within 1 click

Easy access to several different dashboards
You can see all sales profiles of your employees, the sales team or of your organization with one click.

Easily spread surveys
As a manager or teamlead, you can easily distribute surveys amongst your sales teams.

Swipe voor de verkoopstijlen van het team met onze verkoopsoftware
The Sales Colors App

Swipe for the team’s sales styles

The App creates insights into all individual- and team dashboards with one simple swipe.

With one press of a button you can view every sales profile of your sales team.

Navigation between multiple organizational levels

Through the clear menu structure, you can easily switch from the preferred “ideal sales profile” to the actual team- and individual profiles to view the differences.

Maximaliseer omzet met onze slimme verkoopsoftware

The software enabled me to easily improve my team’s performance through the sales behaviour- and process analyses.

The size of the “4 sales colors” shows the preferred sales behaviour on two levels.

  • Individual level

    Receive insights in your own sales behaviour and see in which areas you can develop to maximise your sales.

  • Team level

    Receive insights in the team’s sales behaviour, how individual profiles strengthen each other, and which pitfalls can be identified within your team.

The sales processes indicate the extent of the perceived support of the internal sales processes by the sales team.

  • Individual level
    To what extent do the sales processes support me in my daily responsibilities as a sales representative?
  • Team level

    Do the commercial processes support the mutual cooperation within the team and does that result in improved customer service?

Commercial culture as driver for increased sales

  • Organizational level

    The commercial culture as rated by the internal organization expressed in expressed in one grade.


  • Direct your organization

    Which behaviour needs to be developed in order to stimulate a more sales oriented internal culture?

Triggered by our approach?

Request a free demo of the unique Sales Colors sales software.